"It's the fear of the Dark she's feeling..."

Jan 04, 2005 20:50

New Year's Eve was... interesting.

After some dithering we went to Barty's gathering in Vauxhall - also attended by Cryx, Darren, Ketch, Some Wench girl, Her boyfriend and (two?) other boys whose names I do not recall.

The Wench girl went around kissing everyone, myself included - but I believe Cryx was the main exhibit. Her boyfriend would have been wenchy with Darren (or possibly was) but Darren kept running away and wibbling instead. Matt gave the Wench some nice red neck jewellery, so I evened things up later by making sure the jewels were symmetrical =p There was some sort of competition about who could make the best mark. I think Barty was the original canvas but he was full up so I used Darren. Matt had not one but three goes - which I thought was definitely against the rules. But then we each had half a bottle of Jack and a couple of silkcut inside us (matching each other vice for vice - how sweet!) so I suppose allowances could be made. Ketch drove us back at some time in the a.m... And Matt was all strange and far-away.

Finally when we were in bed he asked why I didn't want to be close to him any more? (Exact terminology escapes me, but that was what it meant.) I turned away, curled up and cried. Why? Nasty deja vu - and when I thought it was never to darken my doorstep again!

We remember those fun talks we used to have with Ben, do we not? "Do you find me attractive? You don't do you?" "Why are you so disinterested in sex now?" "Why don't you ever x y or z?" We remember that time when he decided that 'x y and z' should be tried out for the good of my education or the relationship or whatever the hell. *skritch* Well it seems that despite enjoying being with Matt 'close as close' I'm not best at communicating this. Or perhaps, just to put it another way, orgasms are all very well but human biology leaves a lot to be desired. I mean boy's biology is just untidy and kinda unattractive - yeah, and girl's biology is scarcely more appealing and often a lot more messy. Meh. Stupid bloody sex.

Of course to compound things, I was mildly drunk and very very tired having had little sleep the previous night. (Why do these conversations always turn up when all you want to do is sleep?) The only way to fix these kinda things seems to be talking briefly and then having sex of the definite and furious variety. (Not my favourite kind, but it's better than letting the fracture grow.) I just hope (usually vainly) that the fracture is now healed.

gentlemen aren't nice, head case

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