Not that there were other parts, but I see one more flake of that wretched white stuff, I'll scream. SNOW SNOW SNOW. Of course, now it's sleeting. Hopefully won't take out the power as it's gonna be cold, but then it will warm up to rain, maybe fog, then back to sleet and snow. And Spring is just around the corner, so they say....
So my winter is shovel snow, climb ladder, clear ice from gutters, put out extortion cube of suet to keep woodpecker from banging up the house, only to have fat squirrel suck it dry. ARGH! I shall have to make a DIY squirrel guard to keep that rodent from sucking dry the food block that keeps the bird from drilling holes in the house.
Mediawest*Con programming has begun, so there's new work. Wow, less than three months away! Maybe the snow will have melted by then... ;)
TV-wise, have not seen anything I'm too excited about, except the second season of Broadchurch with David Tenant starts this week (ack, gotta find out WHEN) so shall watch that. Alas, Longmire season 3 is on Netflix, so I guess I'll get the DVD down the road.
Almost done with audiobook of latest Pendergast audiobook (Blue Labyrinth) by Douglas Preston/Lincoln Child and alas, sat too long on my butt and now I'm 4th in line to get the next C.J. Box book (Endangered) out of library, so opted for audiobook version instead.
Am getting a little excited for Avengers: Age of Ultron, which I just discovered debuts a few weeks before MediaWest*con, so hoping that movie will be at the theater out there and we can go see it in a group on the new IMAX screen I think should be done by then.
Alas, no pets yet. I keep visiting a local cat shelter and just pet the cats, which the folks there don't mind as they want the cats to be socialized. It's a free-roaming shelter. They had a huge six-toed cat which got adopted. A real gentle giant. And there's this young cat that like to hop in my lap and chew my jacket (which fortunately already had holes so no big deal). One day...
Meanwhile, did you see the flying weasel picture? A real hoot, and it's real!