Aug 13, 2004 16:55
I think I'm normal in my desire for comments. I mean, it's understandable. Everything you write is written to be read. If you wanted your journal to be private, you would make it COMPLETELY private. You want people to read, and you probably want people to reply. So I must not be so weird in wanting this.
HOW-EV-ER. I do get a bit tired of posting in the journals of friends who seem to refuse to stop by and reply to anything I write. I do my best to be encouraging and loving to you (because you are my friend), but I get very lonely and want support, too. Still, despite my posting on your journals, I don't get anything back.
So here's the way I'm thinking it's going to go:
If you post in my journal, I'll definently post in your journal. Yep, that's it. You could be a complete stranger and I'll still go to offer my opinions and possibly my advice. Also, if I post in your journal, I hope you'll post in mine. If you don't...I probably won't post again.
I, of course, will post at my new friends' journals without replies for a while, but if that continues like that, I will stop. I've been spending an insane amount of my day just hanging out in my Friends section, posting replies on journals to make sure none of my friends were left without someone to talk to.
I am expecting you to show me the same courtesy, starting RIGHT now.
If this is too blunt for you, I'm sorry. But I'm sure you feel the same way sometimes. Speak up to be heard, my lovelies.