[It's rather late at night when a lone raven finds itself perched rather precariously on the branch of a tree not-too-far away from the inn. At a quick glance, it appears normal, nothing out of the ordinary. Those in tune with the ley-lines of the area would soon discover that the bird was not all it seemed...but something much greater. Those not-so-magically inclined might notice the avian ruffling its feathers and holding one wing at an odd angle. The creature appears distressed, perhaps nursing a broken wing...or balancing itself against the wind that had begun to pick up.
Its eyes are red, glowing in contrast with the pitch nighttime sky. If someone happens to pass by it, the bird stares and watches the figure walk, never removing its gaze until the subject in question is out of sight...or another object comes too close.]
[OOC: ohai
wowdressing \o/]