wild animals in captivity dont usually survive long

May 20, 2009 23:50

[Rogue is beginning to feel like a caged animal. She isn't coping well at all with being stuck in a place this small, with Alliance members around every corner, the Lich King on his creepy kick and his little Death Knight Minions floating about.

No, Rogue wasn't doing well at all. She had been staying away from the inn, as far as possible except to eat and sleep. Most days she was outdoors, prodding along the edges of the mist in an attempt to find her way out.

Today she was perched on a rock in the forest, resting for a moment before she started her search again. She stretched her booted feet and yawned, though most of her face was covered by her mask. She had finally gotten around to figuring out just how long she'd been there.]

Eight weeks. Eight weeks I have been stuck in this misery pit.

I want to go home.

[Huh. Never thought she'd say THAT again. And, naturally, since she's miserable, her words are broadcast over the Hearthstone she never bothered to tinker with.]

r_feverfew, assassinsedge, o_greyspell

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