Why post? Because everyone else has been, and I'll be damned if I don't waste my own 15 minutes of e-space.
Finally got to 80 last night. I'm pleased, because Amy was my first 60, 70, and now 80 ^^
I'm still antsy because I want to start raiding again, and I feel like if I don't soon I'm going to be left behind (rar and I need a new guild because you all told me to leave mine! HOW DARE YOU! I BLAME YOU!). So I may not be the last person to 80, and probably I'm far from it, but I certainly feel like I am.
I even was a good girl and got right down to farming new gear afterward :3
I don't have a screenshot of the actual event, because when it happened I was busy swiping at 6 mobs in Stratholme with Arthas running off ahead of me and my boomkin-specced healing OOM behind me.