About a week ago the officers of Alt Factory, a guild I had been with for several years, decided (for reasons that are opaque to me) to kick out a large portion of the guild members (from the guild, our FB page, our guild site and Lj so we can't even communicate at all). They cited "inactivity" but since I was on a guild toon pretty much daily and
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I have no horse in this race, but why would af_officers show up here with a comment like this if they just randomly kicked people out? Why would the AF officers care?
That is... I want to believe that's true, but if the comments below are any indication, they really, really dropped the ball on this one.
Considering there are other means for getting in touch with us, this post was unnecessary. You tried reaching one officer via in-game mail, before posting a thread cautioning the members of a community -- which has done nothing but support us throughout the three years we've been active and to whom we owe a great deal of our success -- against ever joining us.
We appreciate that you have questions, but we will not be answering them here. We will happily discuss this further via email if you have anything you wish to share with us directly.
First a faceless LJ account is strange in that it removes some level of accountability between whomever is running it if they are deciding to speak as it, versus using it as post-board. Secondly, yeah, always let the person know why they are being removed unless it's a particularly heinous event that needs to be dealt with swiftly (like racism or something in that nature) - otherwise, let the person leave under their own steam.
kicking people out and not letting them know at least what rule was violated is weird.
I thought that was just common courtesy!
(I say this as someone with a full roster on WrA, none of my characters in guilds because I have a hard time forming attachments... and if I found a great group and was randomly kicked, no warning, no explanation, I would be heartbroken, too. w_l is the ONLY WoW community I watch, would be the only one where I would be comfortable posting about such a topic)
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