I'm a long time lurker. I love the insight and info on this community! I recently encountered the fantastic Travels through Azeroth blog and was inspired to try something similar of my own (although I am sure it will utterly fail in comparision). I have recently decided to roll an Alliance character for the first time and thought I would tell the story through the eyes of a Gilnean wandering priest.
My knowledge of lore is fair, but I know nothing about Alliance side nor actual timelines. I was hoping someone here could take a look at my rough ideas and give me any feedback on the dates and background to make sure it is plausible.
- Approx. 30 years old (born year 9?)
- Family from Keel Harbor- Youngest son of a minor noble family
- Led a rebellious childhood, father made join priesthood at 16
- Supporter of Greymane until realized poverty of refuges outside of wall and started sneaking supplies and arms.
- Believes wogen curse is due to the way Greymane and Gilinaes turned back on citizens and world at large
- After leaving Gilinaes became wandering priest preaching the light and trying to find redemption
Father: Minor noble, part of Greymane’s court - Died during Gilineas Civil War
Mother: Died when narrator was around 16
Oldest brother: Inherited land, died defending during Foresaken invasion
Middle Brother: Joined Scarlet Crusade during Scourge Invasion. Status unknown. Always estranged from Narrator.
Youngest sister: Married into noble family. Last seen in Darnassus with refugees. Status unknown.
Any feedback on that would be greatly appreciated. Also, if I understand the timeline, Greymane’s Wall would have been built in year 20 and now it is year 39 or 40? Does anyone know the length of time the Worgen starting area is supposed to span? Any other tidbits of info would be greatly appreciated.
And on a completely different note, can anyone recommend a server that has an active Alliance community that could help with any questions that may arise? PVP would be great....