Spriest gear and DPS Q's

Jan 22, 2012 09:44

So, I have a Shadow Priest whom I enjoy greatly. Be not confused by that Disc OS - we needed a healer for a run of LK a couple weeks ago and I stepped to the plate, but it's really only used for the times when the healer makes a jerk move in a dungeon and drops, and another isn't forthcoming.

I don't think that sentence was long enough, do you?

Anyway, I stress that so that you know when I ask this gear question, just how little I truly care about that spec. I have the healer gear that drops in the new dungeons via OS rolls or lucky greed rolls, but shadow is my joy - on this character.

And yes, I know that I have some unenchanted items, that my pants need gems, and that I am missing a belt buckle. These things are expensive (400g last check for a brilliant inferno ruby), and so I am waiting on the sale of flasks, herbs, and volatiles to pad my pockets just a little. *peers at screen* Though I didn't realize about the wrists. *fixes that, at least* *peers at bag addon*...And I apparently already made her thread in preparation for new pants. I didn't see that in her bags...*frowns, digs hrough bags, rambles*

Back on track!

My question is this: As dedicated shadow priests, when you look at the VP clothes, do you lean more towards the caster DPS set, or the priest set? I'm talking about the un-set-bonused stuff. The t-whatever-is-current-lookalike, sans-shoulders-and-pants stuff.

Askmrrobot tells me I should use the priest stuff, but.

Swapping into that would put me far above hit cap, which would mean that I would want to reforge away from spirit, giving me a big ol' honkin' chunk of crit sitting on my robes. I'm not terribly fond of crit.

If I went with the caster DPS robes, I could leave the hit as it is - it would bump me above hit cap, but not as much as adding over 100 spirit would, and I could mog a hefty chunk of that crit to something more useful.

Will I be breaking the 'rules' if I do this? is there some sacrosanct law that says I must use the priest tier-lookalike, even as shadow? Askmrrobot ranks the pirest lookalike stuff higher than the caster DPS stuff consistently, and it makes sense in some place, but, say, the belt? I'd definitely rather the Caster DPS one.

And while we're on the subject of caster DPS, her DPS seems... inconsistent.

For example, I can pull nearly 20k against heroic bosses - I'm talking like Baine and Jaina, not just the ones that give you the bonuses like Perothan (sp?) and his ilk.

Those numbers made me pretty self-confident and so I queued in the RDF as shadow.

Where I pulled 14k or so. Now, my framerate dropped pretty significantly in the 25man, but I wasn't lagging. I don't think that a reduced framerate would have such an impact? I don't have logs, cause I haven't been able to figure it out, but...

I've studied shadow until my eyes bled. I use fiend of cooldown, keep my dots refreshed in a timely manner, so on and so forth... Could it really have just been a framerate drop that killed me, or am I just 'bad' at shadow? Should I be doing more than 20k on normal heroic bosses?

The unenchanted gear that she's wearing currently...those are all upgrades that have come since my unfortunate foray into RDF. The replace-ees were all enchanted. Except for the wrists. I really don't know how I missed the wrists.

priest: gear, priest: shadow

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