Nov 11, 2011 18:02
I should know the answer to this question as my main is a warrior but it's been FOREVER AGO that I leveled her up. I think I was Arms as a lowbie... but I don't remember. I just know I was a dps spec and then switched to Prot when I learned what I was actually doing in WoW back in BC. I even leveled Prot in Wrath, changed from Prot to Arms to Fury throughout Wrath raiding, changed to Arms to level in Cata, and now I'm Fury again at level cap.
So. I has no idea what's better for leveling nowadays with all the changes: Arms or Fury? I'm not planning on leveling through the Dungeon Finder so Prot is out (even though I know it's a viable leveling spec now).
Which one should I use? I'm familiar with both; I just don't know if one has an edge over the other when it comes to being low leveling. Or are they both good?
Sorry if this is incoherent - I'm about to pass out. D:
warrior: general