I need your help once more!

Nov 01, 2011 11:58

Alright so a while back (like a month ago) I made a Nelf Combat Rogue who is a level 29 right now. I've always loved Rogues in other MMO's but for some reason I can't play them right on WoW and I think that's more because WoW seems like more of a 'gear dependent' game than any other MMO I've played instead of directly adjusting your stats. Well I love playing my rogue, I find it a very fun class to play once you get past 20 lol but I noticed when I do dungeons my DPS is low, and I mean LOW. I really noticed it when someone did the ranking thing after we finished Gnomeregan. The tank let the heals DPS when they wanted to and seriously heals almost outranked me. That's when I knew damn, either I really suck at playing a rogue or it's my gear. I'm thinking it's more of the gear. I know if you haven't been playing WoW for a while it's kind of difficult to know what gear is good or not and you're basically poor haha. Here is my armory: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/korialstrasz/J%c3%a5zmyn/advanced

Any suggestions would be great! Especially on when it comes to getting better gear at a low level and getting more money to be able to afford better gear. My highest level toon is my DK which is only 59 right now and any money I get on her is going towards the mounts and other things. Also I'm not sure if it matters or not but I'm on a PvE realm and I don't PvP at the moment.

role: dpsing, general: gold, rogue: gear, rogue: combat, rogue: general

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