Oct 30, 2011 12:59
Hi girls and lurking guys!
I have a proposition for someone Hordeside on Wyrmrest Accord - I have been dying to get my hands on a few of the starter level robes from the Horde races. Specifically the following:
(These might be the same for different races too; not sure)
Troll Druid: Novice's Robe
Tauren Shaman: Primal Robe
Blood Elf Warlock: Acolyte's Robe
These are never on the Neutral AH (I've seen like one and it was a ridiculous price) and I really want them for my RP characters. So would someone be kind enough to help me out? I could gather up some Alliance-only starter gear for you if you'd like. If you're interested, comment here and we'll talk!
Thank you!
rp: gear