Oct 30, 2011 09:20
so here goes
10 (helm) + 10 (shoulders) + 5 (back) + 10 (chest) + 10 (guild bonus) + 10 (brewfest leftover bonus, duration 1h) + 10 (hallow's end bonus, duration 2h) = 65% xp bonus for the next two hours of play time or until i die. please don't let me die. the last bit is harder because i am a prot warrior. i may just end up questing lol.
and it's rested since i haven't played her since brewfest. double score!
world event: hallow's end,
leveling: heirloom,
leveling: alts,
world event: brewfest,
leveling: general,
warrior: general,
general: miscellaneous,
warrior: protection