Hey everyone!
I took a break for a few months, since I was sick to death of running two heroics over and over. Patch 4.3 has me a bit excited though. I decided to dust off my druid and respec her to heal (since my daughter is now sleeping for a good stretch for her nap I feel like I can actually heal without having to be distracted). I've been
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I'm still using Core of Ripeness for fights where I need a lot of regen in Firelands on my pally. It's a very very good trinket, and yes, it functions as sort of an on-use mp5 boost. I think of using it as like being able to use a mana pot multiple times per fight. :) Ultimately, due to innervate, things that increase your mana pool/int will frequently give you more regen than pure spirit. Core/Tsunami is a really great trinket combo for regen, and one I highly recommend for all healers, tbh.
For monitoring buffs, Power Auras Classic is my go-to add-on. You can make a power aura for almost anything, and can usually find that someone has already made one for what you want that you can import.
And there's just nothing as good as Tsunami as far as regen goes among the Firelands trinkets. They can pry that one out of my cold dead hands.
You can indeed turn off or delete auras for stuff you don't need. Creating auras can be trial and error until you get the hang of it -- I recommend watching some powa tutorials as they'll be pretty useful.
Start small, set up 1-2 auras, and sit on a target dummy to twiddle things until you have it the way you like it.
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