(no subject)

Sep 19, 2006 14:07

So I have finally gotten my NE hunter Antiquee to 60 and I think it's been about 2 or 3 weeks since I've dinged. Since then I've gone on a couple MC runs and ZG runs with my guild, I dont have enough DKP to get anything as of yet but I am 2nd in line now in hunters to get a drop, I am saving my DKP for a nice ranged weapon since mine right now isn't too good. Well we are kicking ass in MC especially for such a new guild and we have all bosses except Rag and Domo on farm. We're all starting to get attuned for Ony now and need the UBRS runs, it took me awhile to get mine but finally I did. A friend in the guild needed UBRS and had asked me and my boyfriend to join his PuG arpoound 10:30ish server time. We joined the group to see he was in a pug with a couple old guildmates from another guild we /gquit because they were rude. We stayed in the Pug for our new guildie and bit our tounge, it took us awhile to get there but by the time we had they were getting into the Rook. Well at around 11:30 we had just gotten done with Rend and someone had mentioned we wouldn't get to Drak in time because server's were shutting down at Midnight. We had about a half hour to kill mobs and Drakk. By the time we were in Drakk's room we had 5 minutes left and one mob to kill before Drakk. We took the mob down quickly and had my boyfriend kite Drakk as soon as we downed the mob. We got Drakk down looted him quick and ported out of there, the moment my screen loaded and I was in IF the server crashed. I was amazed we got him down in the little time we had but it sure was exciting.
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