Moonkin nerfs

May 02, 2011 15:29

Sorry in advance that this is a bit of a QQ. 
My top geared toon is a Moonkin - but for one reason or another she hasn't been getting a lot of playtime recently.  Which is probably why a lot of the recent changes have kind of passed me by a little.  So I pulled her out to do the new Zandalari quest chain the other night - and it was hard work!! I guess thats not altogether a bad thing - don't want things getting too easy after all.
However the thing that struck me the most is that I have been doing a lot more playing rogue and warrior recently - and both these classes now have really efficient and useful self-heals which are used while in battle and make solo-ing much more viable.  Whereas my druid - the so-called "hybrid" class who supposedly has healing as a viable option has none of these things - and it means I have to keep stopping fighting to heal ( which makes you awfully vulnerable swapping out of moonkin form- not to mention someone who is not specced for healing doesn't heal all that efficiently anyway).  I guess when playing as a group this won't be so much of a problem - but it was kind of dramatic - and the nerf's to damage are a bit of icing on the cake really - I guess I don't mind not being able to selfheal easily as long as I'm doing absolute stackloads of damage to compensate!
Anyone else noticed this??  Just seems all a bit unequal to me!

druid: balance

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