So to make up for my failure
Okay, so I'm leveling my alchemy, and I get to 475, everything's yellow. Go to the trainer, and...Nothing. Push to 485. Everything's green. Go to my trainer, and...nothing. So I set it to show me unavailable spells, and...I can't train ANYTHING at the trainer in Org till I hit 520. So...Where do I go for the next 35 points?
......nevermind, somehow my window was scrolled ALLLLL the way down when I opened it. Every. Single. Time. WTF,
I present you with another burning question, this time for RPers.
What do you think is meant when somebody says "When this blows over." If, for example, you said that your mage was going to move to Uldum when "this blows over", how is this represented in-game? Is it when you complete the Uldum quests? I completed mine in two days. How about when Deathwing is defeated? When the first guild on your server finishes the raid in Uldum?