Schedule changes, Morning Raids, Advice needed

Aug 17, 2010 11:10

So, I've been speaking to a few friends of mine about starting a guild of my own. They think I should give it a shot, but I'm scared of it being a fail. See, I was informed at my job that the schedule would change for me, meaning I will be working evenings. I enjoy raiding, but almost all guilds raid during the evening hours, so I feel like I'm out of luck as I can no longer have free evenings to raid. I've been searching all over for a guild that raids during the day, but so far I've had no luck finding one that is recruiting at the moment. I've checked out the oceanic servers and most of the guilds raid too early in the morning, I've search in the guild recruitment forums, and have even started to search each realms forum. No luck yet.

I am really wondering, at this point, if there are really even morning raiding guilds. Or are they all illusions? Even if I start my own guild, which I think is impossible since it's almost the end of LK, how many people would actually want a morning raiding guild? This is why I told my buddies I was kind of not liking the start your own guild thing. I want to finish ICC and kill the LK, maybe even do the heroic version, and with a new guild I feel that is impossible. You need to get set up and recruit, which would be the hardest part for a morning guild. Then, you have to deal with players who leave because either recruitment is slow or they find greener pastures.

Now, it would be something I consider doing with Cata, maybe even starting when we know the exact Cata release. Thing is though, that doesn't help me finish LK content. I've even considered doing pugs to finish ICC, but no one I know has downed the King himself in a pug. Hell, most pugs don't get past Fester, and finding reliable pugs during the morning hours is a chore in itself if even possible. So that leaves me with saying screw it to the rest of ICC and waiting until Cata, but it kind of pisses me off in all honesty. I know I'm a good raider, I know I have the possiblity to see and kick Arthas in the gut, but the time conflict is holding me back.

What are your ladies, and gents, thoughts on what I should do? I'm a bit confused at the moment about it myself, since the schedule change was not expected and now it puts a hamper on finishing LK content. Do you all think finding a guild which raids morning is possible? During morning hours means between 9:00am CST and 2:30pm CST, that's the only time I would be available to raid. Or do you think I will have to wait and just start a guild myself which can raid during those hours come Cata?

just for fun: cool story bro

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