So I was running for frost tonight ...
with our guilds newest 80's a DK tank, she's just shy of def cap at 536, but she's good and only 80 less then 24 hours. I'm healing her and we were running with another guildie also a DK tank/dps in case we rolled somewhere out of her comfort zone. We get OCC. Yay! I love that place now. And its an easy one for her. The three of use are joking along with each other in /g and in /p just to be social. Nothing offensive, harmless banter. We hit the second boss and I go SPLAT, pop reincarnate toss off a few more heals and splat again. We really should have cleared more of those drakes! lol the only other rezzer (a pally) had also splatted right at the end. I go to ask in party about maybe them being an engineer, as I'm doing this my guildie rezz's me as a ghoul (the dps dk), our tank DK made mention of "oh aren't you pretty as a ghoul" to which I was disappointed to find out /flirt does not work in ghoul form ; ; and said so in party. I ditch ghoul form and release to head back in to find out that the other dps was going ON and ON about how it wasn't funny. We all get back together to see a vote kick for our tank pop up. I decline as does our other guildie, and I ask in party why? They then try and kick ME, followed by our other dk. Seriously. Takes 3/5 to boot. 3/5 are in teh same guild. Now I would not hesitate to /votekick if a guild mate truely deserved it but what are the odds of guild mates booting each other. We were never given a reason other then "thats not funny" I cannot FATHOM what we did to offend anyone, even with the deaths we were making good time. The other two ended up leaving party after we wouldn't boot each other, we grabbed two more guild members and smashed thru in no time.
I'm just as a loss as to what we did to offend these PuG's? Any clue? Anyone have similar stories?