Raids for 10/18 and 10/19

Oct 15, 2013 10:21

Greetings and salutations!

Going to try something different this weekend, we're going to do 2 nights of Siege on Flex Mode. Also, both nights will be at 6pm server time.

A couple reminders, for Flex Mode, we need 2 tanks, 5+ dps, and an amount of healers proportionate to the amount of dps, usually 3+. Minimum ilvl is 496, and we like to see around 90-100k dps, give or take a bit. Please bring your own flasks, food is usually provided. If you are coming from off-server, please put your battletag in your sign up!

Ok, I've rambled enough. Go sign up!

raid: mists of pandaria, raid: flex raid, raids

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