Your Character
Character name: Laehla
Class: Death Knight
Race: Draenei
What professions are you doing / do you plan to do with this character?: Prooooobably mining/jewelcrafting. Could change though!
Picture of your character:
Is this character your main character in WoW?: She is now! I am enjoying the guild enough (and my other servers are dead enough) that I don't see myself playing anywhere else for the time being. :3
Name: Christine
Age: 24
Location: Ontario, Canada
Contact (AIM, E-mail, etc?): AIM: moyashiii / Skype: desertsong. / Email: thewritesprout @ gmail
Tell us a little about yourself: I'm a writer, addicted to music of all kinds, a pretty devout Christian, a bit of an activist for animal rights and LGBT rights, and soon to be a student again! I'm going back to school next year to double major in Computer Science and Linguistics. Someday I'll work for Blizzard, I swear! :D
How long have you been playing World of Warcraft?: Probably about 4 and a half years now, if my math is right, which is never a guarantee. I have, however, NEVER yet level-capped a character...
What other characters do you have, and play (or have played) on a regular basis?: It'd be shorter to list what I haven't played. I'm a huge altoholic. After resubbing and joining this lovely guild, I did some account cleanup and took my number of characters down from 40 to 23. :| In the guild I also have Cyrsei (human hunter), and more alts forthcoming I'm sure!
How did you learn about DotA (website, real life friend, online friend, wow_ladies livejournal community, etc…)?: wow_ladies :D