"I love you too"

Aug 09, 2010 00:20

I just remembered. About 2-3 weeks ago I attempted an online game of Uncharted 2. I picked something that sounded ok but had no idea what to do. The goal was to collect treasure and dump them in a treasure chest area in the base while trying to avoid the other team. Problem was, I had no idea, and still don't, where this base was located. I tried to move around while taking cover only to get mowed down over and over by various people. Some nerd on my team decided it was a good idea to start insulting me. First I got the message "Stop camping". Then I got "Useless cunt". I decided to answer, in my own clever way. I wrote:

"Thank you for making me feel so welcomed during my first online game. You're very kind".

A few days passed until I logged in again and saw a new massage.

"You're a waste of space".

Why thank you! I replied "I love you too" and came up with possible scenarious of how to possibly deal with future insults. One of my favourites were being called names and replying to those with "Oh, pet names for eachother? You're such a studmuffin". Sadly, there was no message when I logged in almost an hour ago. I'm a bit disappointed in a way. On the other hand, it was nice to get the final word.
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