First off, back story: When I first started being on Second Life, I kept mostly to the furry side of SL for the first year. I made friends, had some great adventures, but for the most part, I was by myself. I kept wondering if there was someone out there who wanted to hang with me long term.
Then I crossed over into the human realm last July, but I was still in fur. But it wasn't until earlier this year, that meeting folks as a human to human meet, did it get more intense. But I started liking it more and more, because I found folks that wanted to hang out with me more than just a few nights. So, right now, perhaps to shed more light into my meetings of folks, I have found several articles on Google: Need more articles? Just google sl relationships
It's not easy for me trying to figure out when I can trust someone on SL, but it's better to take a chance than not, rewards are all the more sweeter. See you inworld!