Apr 19, 2006 21:08
yaaa an april 19th*.... u no why...
the most trying day at work, really i do not want to talk about it again, ... ah
sorry i wanted to post but i am just so irrated at how some people can act...
spend more tiem with ur kid then if u dont like the way i am... arg.. i am sorry but ur child is far from perfect.. go make someone else feel like below u, i work just as hard as u do and i deserve ur fucking respect...
i am so happy my director supports me because otherwise i would feel like a complete fucking failure today...
i am sorry but i dont appreciate being hit by a 4 year old to have u turn around and blame this some how on me... ya your daugthers perfect... like u said " i think i know my daugther a bit better then you..." duh... but i do spend almost 10 hours a day with her and her behaviors so excussseee me for voicing my opnion on the matter...
grrr so ....sad,mad, annoyed and disapointed...