Nov 12, 2009 23:04
Does Standing in the rain for 2 hours sound appealing?
No It does not.
I therefore made an "executive" decision this afternoon that my Scouts would be denied a chance to play hide and seek on a large common in the dark.
It must be remember ed that I did this for their own good and that I am a cruel and heartless leader who dislikes standing about in the rain for no good reason regardless as to whether or not small children want to roll around in the mud. I am a caring scout leader who didn't want her scouts to catch cold by running around in torrential rain.
There was lots of grumbles about it at the scout hut, but they seemed to have a good enough time with the hastily cinstructed evening activities of "escape from colditz", "jump the rope" and "scout battleships". My Patrol Leaders decided they would like to have a go at being Scout leaders for the evening...and this was not the planned evening for the Patrol Leaders to run scouts. Bonus! I'm concidering letting them run the evenings and I will sit wiht my feet up...what do we think, wise idea?