As tagged by
sbryan, six random things about me:
- Whenever I burp or belch or get the hiccups or do anything which usually merits an "excuse me" in polite society, I say "excuse me," even if I'm alone.
- I really enjoy watching movies by myself. It took a while to get used to -- my first semester up here when I wasn't living with anyone and didn't have any friends yet -- but there's a certain peace in taking yourself out for the evening, especially when you're like me, and...
- I have a really hard time doing things for myself -- especially making big decisions -- without considering the plans or desires or wants or needs of others. Maybe I'm clingy, maybe I'm obsessed, maybe I'm over-nostalgic or wtfever, but I really can't think about making a future for myself that doesn't include other people, and I've never really been able to. I went to Pepperdine to spend time with my father. I applied to the U of M in the first place because the guy I was really good friends with and pseudo-dating at the time was going here, and I wanted to be with him if Pepperdine didn't take me. I have a hard time thinking about my future in Minneapolis without worrying what Shelby will be doing when she graduates, and I can't come up with a game plan for my life that doesn't involve Nate or Whitney or Dana or Shelby or Nic or my family and what their plans for the future will be. I guess at the end of the day, it's just that I don't make friends really easily -- I get along with everyone, and I make really good acquaintances, but not really good friends like, ever -- and when I have them I don't want to let them go or imagine a future without them. I don't know what this says about me, really I don't, but it seems like a nuisance a lot of the time when I'm pressed to make long-term decisions.
- A good Harry/Draco story can really make my day, but I have no real OTP in any fandom, ever. I go through phases where I get a hankering for a particular pairing, but at the end of the day I'll really read anything or buy into anything. I think Harry/Draco is as close to OTP status as I come in any fandom, because I am very fond of them and reading a good story like this is like coming home after a long day, but they are hardly my OTP in the true sense of the acronym (for the un-initiated: One True Pairing), because I'm more than happy to see them paired off with other people as well. I get very enthusiastic about any good story, no matter what the pairing, and especially in lotrips fandom I was all over the map.
- I've only officially dated two people. One of them is a guy from church who I dated for about four months my junior year and then we just sort of quit talking to each other. We chat after church when I go back home to visit, and now that he's grown up and seems to be more comfortable with himself, I think that if circumstances permitted I could concievably get back together with him (except not*). The other is Nate (for the un-initiated, partial tagged entries are here, though there's a gap in the middle that I haven't gotten to yet). So I have that going for me.
- I love country music. Yeah, whatever, stfu. I grew up with Lyle Lovett and Willie Nelson and spent a lot of time at a lot of rodeos in my youth, and I love horses and cowboy hats and chaps and the men in them, and dirt and leather and beer and the Midwest, and I lived for two years in Nashville. I love country music, and for the most part I'm not ashamed at all (though I do have my moments).
* because now I smoke and I drink and I read porn and I swear like a sailor and you know, I'm just not the person I was back then. At some point I would want to do more than just make out and at that point he would probably want to get married, and, just. Anyway. I've come to terms with these facts about myself, you know?