wow this is out of left-field. sorry I abandoned LJ again! I am all over tumblr though, so I was not totally ~absent from the 'net~ this time. I-I guess?!
BUT I am making this post primarily because I realized that I DESPERATELY NEED TO TALK ABOUT LOST even though at this point I...kind of hate it? in a way where it really brings the LOLs but I also am just so astounded at the levels of terribleness it is reaching and just NEED TO EXPRESS MY BEWILDERMENT/AMUSEMENT. so I would occasionally go over to
ontd_lost engage in discussion but then I felt like a tool because I really do not genuinely like the show anymore so really I am just harshing on people's buzzes like a douche!
SO HERE IT GOES GUYS. Imma start LJing again just to whine about Lost. sorry about that. (though I miss like, actually talking to people! tumblr is really excellent and fun but not always conducive to discussion I guess.)
this is all re:
some comments Damon Lindelof just made about how people should mentally prepare themselves for the finale.
in this
video, Damon expounds on this to say that:
-people's relationship on the show has to be one in which you say "you are going to disappoint me"
-it's much easier to come at the show from a point of view of "you're not going to give me what I want" and then if they don't give you want you want, you're sort of like "I knew it"
-vs saying "I have faith that I'm getting everything I want," because then you're setting yourself up for disappointment
(sidenote: this made me LOL like a crazy.)
YOU LITERALLY HAVE SUCH LITTLE FAITH IN YOUR OWN NARRATIVE THAT YOU NEED PEOPLE TO SET THEMSELVES UP FOR DISAPPOINTMENT TO ENJOY IT!?!??! like maybe that is a good philosophy for LIFE for some, but guess what. PEOPLE HAVE BEEN EMOTIONALLY INVESTED IN YOUR SHOW FOR SIX YEARS. they deserve a certain amount of emotional payoff! WHAT CAN I SAY. narratives do not work that way! Shows should their viewers some kind of closure in an appropriate way!
I mean he is clearly nervous about the whole thing, but hey! THIS IS NOBODY'S FAULT BUT YOUR OWN, BUD. if it implodes, this is your problem! 100000000000%. SORRY I DON'T HAVE THAT MUCH SYMPATHY FOR YOU OR YOUR PLEAS FOR PEOPLE TO ~EXPECT DISAPPOINTMENT FROM THE SHOW~
what. the. fuck.
LOLst, man. LOLst!
IDK, I have been having so many ~Lost feelings~ lately. Ilana's death hit me really hard! why you gotta pointlessly kill the ladies so often, Lost! especially in the dumbest fucking ways! ~the island was through with her~ my ass, you guys are just fucking lazy. (does the island really need Miles or especially Frank anymore? they have been doing nothing FOREVER. jesus.) and then Libby comes back and I am confused because I don't remember feeling one way or another for her, but Cynthia Watros stole my heart unexpectedly?! (it was possibly the hair tendrils.) but of course she got killed bogusly as well, and is only back to be a vehicle for Hurley's memories to be regained (except that is stupid too because they went on like, one date). and they are probably not even going explain her backstory-as-revealed-in-an-interview in the actual show, because this would have been in the actual episode. also, the backstory was SO STUPID ANYWAYS.
speaking of stupid backstories, how about how the BIG SECRET ABOUT RICHARD ALPERT was that he was pining after his fridged wife for centuries in a boring episode they hyped the fuck out of (talk about needing to expect to be disappointed)! THAT IS SO CREATIVE GUYS I AM JUST WOWED
LOLst, what can I even say. and at the same time as all this I am rewatching s1 with my friend who has never seen it before and realizing that it was not as good as I remember. It is still much better than what is up now, but hey remember when I thought Hearts and Minds was so cool except the whole premise of the actual episode is that LOCKE KNOCKS BOONE OUT, APPLIES A HALLUCINOGENIC TO HIS HEAD WOUND, AND TIES HIM UP ALONE IN THE JUNGLE OF MYSTERY TO ~WORK THROUGH HIS EMOTIONAL ISSUES~
(dear locke: i do not care if you have Faith, that really is not the best idea)
how...? how did I ever think that was anything but hilarious?!
(wait, one more: remember that time when Locke's dad aka Warden Snyder from Newsies STOLE HIS FUCKING KIDNEY? actually, that will always be the most ridiculous, everything else can go home.)
I guess you just outgrow some stories when you find your forever narratives (<3 AVATAR <3)! except I gravitate more and more towards kids shows and books and movies so I guess I am regressing. whatevah.
and the other thing is that even after all of this I still keep contemplating buying season fucking 3 because I just love Dr. Juliet Burke and especially then. (I have been having some ~Juliet feelings~ too, but I can save that explosion for later.) the things you do for awesome ladies, man.
in other news, I want to marry Community and also as of more recently Parks & Rec. SHOWS THAT ARE GOOD, they also exist. thankfully.