Mar 28, 2007 22:14
I keep on telling everybody and making all these promises to update when things are going well so here are two positive stories about good things in my life. Enjoy them while you can because tomorrow you may get hit by a bus and die.
Anyway, Story 1:
I met with this guy from Wrigley over break and told him that I was interested in going in to advertising. He is the VP of Marketing for US distribution, which means he's kind of a big somebody that people at the company I'm applying to know! Like they report to people under him. He's big. And he's amazing. And he happens to love my mom and we got along really well. I was going to meet with him over Spring Break to see if there were any internships in marketing at Wrigley but he was swamped and couldn't meet with me. However, I got a call from my mom recently and she told me that he had offered to talk to the person I interviewed with and put in a good word for me on his own accord. This is great news and hopefully bumps up my chances of getting this internship.
Story the second:
I was recently not elected for SMAC president (the group that plans most of the activities that are brought to campus), which was hard to handle but I definitely got over it and moved on. However, we recently found out that the person who was elected was going to be unable to hold office, which means that we had reelections. I also just found out today that I got the position-- which is something I RIDICULOUSLY wanted!
So there you have it. Two good things happen to me and now you know about them. Take that in your pie plate and suck on it. Talk yas! :-)