How am I ever to know?!
Bah, I love Cake. That cover's so ridiculously fun. Anyway, I'm in the mood for fic. Fic that I can print off and take outside with me and read it while I bask, gloriously, in the sunshine and work on tanning freckling. Tanning bed tans look ugly.
The only problem is... I am having issues finding good quality Harry Potter genfic. Is the fandom simply too large? Am I looking for loff in all the wrong places? Or am I just retarded?
Either way, it's SO HARD WAH. Apparently I am a very picky reader; I was f'listing yesterday and caught
photosinensis's post about the same topic, and while I'm not as experienced as he is in fandom, I agree. I mean, is the fandom just too large to have a lot of lengthy, good quality fics in the same place any more? Have all the kerfluffles made the fen too split, too many factions to ever band together and say "HEY! GOOD FIC GOES HERE!"
I don't know. I'm lazy, tired, and bored of crawling through the internet in search of what I need.
In other news, my mother is working midnights now. This means that she and Bob share roughly the same work schedule: both are out of the house by 10.30, and both don't return home until roughly 9 AM the next day.
I am, needless to say, terrified. Last night I slept with a Winchester right by my bed, and every little time one of the dogs barked, I was up and awake with the rifle in my hand. I'm sure it'll be better, but ack. Nervous. It's different than when they go out at night - I know they'll be home sometime during the early hours. But at night... I know they won't be back for nearly eleven hours, which is incredibly worrisome.
I don't know. I'm paranoid.