How bout this for a script?

Jun 18, 2010 16:31

Here's part of my script I wish to submit to NUStudios.

Cine Qua Non. (An Essential Element)

Synopsis: Shan, an average teenager with dreams of his own, had a chance meeting with Rita, a bar singer ready to be the next best singer-songwriter, after running away from his stifling home to find his own path in life. Will their personal dreams add injury to their relationship or will they help each other to find those dreams after all? Cine Qua Non is about that essential element you need in life in order to find it and live it.


SHAN Rita, Rita!
RITA Stop following me!

Shan manages to get close to Rita. He then grabs her hand.

SHAN Stop, Rita. What’s wrong?
RITA What’s wrong! Don’t you see? No one’s paying attention and watching me perform. So what’s the point?
SHAN You know this kind of place is always like that. They never respect local talents. Plus it’s a restaurant, everone’s just here to eat. (beat) Come on, just finish your performance. Then you can perform at a better place next time ok?
RITA There won’t be a next time! I just can’t do this anymore.

SHAN It’s just one bad experience. You can’t give up ’cos of this. RITA (shaking her head) No, no. I can’t do it.
SHAN So you’re just gonna let go of your dream? Huh? What about that? RITA Maybe I’m never meant to be a musician. To live this dream.
SHAN Never meant to be? You never even try hard enough! I always tell you to practise harder and I was the one who had to drag you down here to play. (beat) How are you ever gonna be a musician if you don’t practise and don’t try to get as many gigs as possible?
RITA Stop it! Who are you to tell me all this? When you don’t even try hard enough to live your dream. You’re just running away. From your fear, from your parents. You never wanna stand up towards them. So, who are you to tell me to try harder?

Just then the manager of the restaurant approached them.

MANAGER Rita, what’s going on here? Why did you stop playing? You can’t just do that you know. I paid you to perform.
RITA I’m sorry, sir. I just can’t anymore. I can’t do this. Rita took out some money from her pocket and gives it to the manager. RITA Here’s your money back -
RITA Just take it. Please. I have to go. Sorry.

Rita walks away from the restaurant in an upset and hurried manner.

SHAN Rita, wait!

The manager shakes his head and enters the restaurant.

INT. CHRIS’S HOUSE - DAY Rita is sitting on the sofa. Shan is standing up.

SHAN Why are you here, so early in the morning some more?
RITA I got something really important to talk about with you. Shan sits down at the sofa beside the one Rita is sitting at.
SHAN What is it?
RITA We can’t be together anymore. I’m sorry.

Rita looks down. She looks clearly upset.

SHAN What? Are you serious? (beat) Is it because of that night when we fought after your first performance? 
RITA No, it’s not beacuse of that.
SHAN Then? Don’t do this to me Rita, please.
RITA We really can’t be together anymore, Shan. No one else can accept us together. So, how can we stay like this?
SHAN Something must have happened right... What happened, Rita? Tell me.

RITA Actually, last night your parents came to the bar.
SHAN (shocked) What?
RITA They were looking for you. And then Paul asked them to look for me. (beat) And they insulted me!
SHAN What! How could they? (beat) You’re right, Rita. All this while I’ve never dared to stand up against them. I should now! How could they do this to you?
RITA Don’t, Shan. Please. Really their insult didn’t hurt me. (beat) What hurt me more is that whatever they said to me is true. I don’t deserve you. Who am I to want someone like you? They are right. (beat) I am spoiling you and your future. And that shouldn’t happen anymore. Let’s just break up. It’s for the best.
SHAN No, it’s not. I’m happy when I’m with you. That’s best.
RITA I’m sorry, Shan. This is it. (pause) I have to go now.

Rita stands up and head towards the door. Shan walks hesitantly towards it and opens the door for her. Rita walks out of the house.

EXT. CHRIS’ VOID DECK - NIGHT. Shan is walking slowly towards the lift of the HDB flat. Suddenly, he stops. He sees his parents standing in front of him.


creativework, soupforthesoul, script

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