Holidays are here but they are not what they seem

May 19, 2010 18:24

I'm at work now and have nothing really to do actually so I'm gonna blog. lol.

Ok so my exams ended like 2 wks ago, last paper on 7 May. So pretty happy bout that.

And yes I have started work (part-time/temp). I bother to do this only cos of my NY fund. Not a fund to the state of NY but a fund collecting money for me to go to NY. haha. yes i plan to go NY with my sis in Dec this year. :D

So I'm gonna talk about work basically. Just to explain what's the job all about. I have 2 actually. Here is how it goes:

1. First job - at Ang Mo Kio. Pretty near my house. I help to manage the office, some admin work and marketing, business development kinda thing. The first week - I worked on the company's portfolio. Then, the next task, I gotta meet up with clients to intro the product.

Why I chose this job? - I feel its beneficial for me. Marketing and business is always significant to advertising which is my area of interest. Well its not an advertising company but at least it gives me a good working experience.

What I do daily - Its pretty flexible so I don't do much actually but what I do is pretty important to the company. Its not to answer the phone and queries. I actually help in the organizing and planning of things. I want a beneficial job as well thats why I chose it. Not just a simple job that doesn't give me much. But its actually pretty ok and not too taxing. Cos its flexible so I can manage my own time. But I do come in from 9-6 on Mon, Wed and Fri. Just that I don't do work for that whole 9 hours. I plan my time and just finish the task assigned. But gets lonely as well cos im all alone in the office. Go out of mind a lil talking to myself and singing. Its a small company btw.

Internship - I got an internship offer before taking this job actually. But I decided not to take it because I feel the role of the job is not comprehensive enough. Not as beneficial as the job. So I took the job even though the internship is a media company and the job is not. But I think what I do for the job is more significant then anything else. Its all about the learning experience.

2. Second job - since im in need of cash, i cant do with just a 3 day job. God it wld be so fantastic to only work 3 times a week but I must push on and earn more money. So, I got another job at a Cyber Cafe at Somerset. I work on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10-7. And its flexible in terms of timing cos I can choose to do half shifts as well and can negotiate the working hours.

The job itself - well im here right now at the cafe and I'm blogging so what do u make of this job? haha. I watched a movie just now as well. Its not cos I don't do the job but really I don't do much. I attend to customers who want to use the com, make sure they pay and provide extra services (not what u think) like printing, scanning, faxing. Im still getting the hang of customer service but I do like this job quite much. :) My first day of work and I faced some challenges already. Lol. Im good with technology but still gotta get a hang of minor things like how to put the paper in the photocopy machine. Its harder than u think.

3. Pay - both jobs pay well. haha. Not too bad. Grateful to God. :)

4. Holiday plans - As usual, every single holiday I surely would create some plans to do productive things and enjoy myself. I wanna go out with friends, watch more gigs, jam, make music, write scripts for filming, ad portfolio, edit photos, etc. etc. etc... So many! Now that I'm working how am I gonna spread these out and complete all the things I wanna do??? *confused* :S

5. Filming plans - Im on the process of writing a script for a film competition under NUStudios which is a cca im in oso actually. I hope my script is good and selected. I wanna help with the

Thats all for now. Will continue soonest. Happy holidays undergrady peers!
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