Artist statement

Jul 06, 2009 21:31

Well, I'm getting ready for my first solo show, at Humboldt Herbals starting at next month's Arts!Alive. I'm working on a name for the show so I can make postcards to promote it, and I figure they want an Artist Statement too. Feedback desired!

Although nature photography often emphasizes rare wild specimens in exotic lands, looking closely at common cultivated plants finds beauty even in ordinary places. These photographs often discover intricate details invisible to the naked eye, and can be a revelation of wonder to those accustomed to passing by plants as mere colorful background. My goal is to share my sense of wonder about the world as an antidote for ennui, cynicism, and apathy.

I enjoy working within the constraints of hand-held available light photography to convey a sense of place and moment that would be lost by taking specimens into the studio or adding backgrounds or extra light sources. My images use documentary methods with a fine-art sensibility. Because the link between reality and my images is important, I limit my computer manipulation to the digital equivalent of classic darkroom work.


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