Death Guild tonight!

Jul 30, 2007 08:45

Back from Fresno, lots of photo news. I could only get Internet access during class, so no LJ for a couple of weeks. Fresno is very hot. Yosemite was worth seeing, but it's hot too. (I still haven't gotten good photos. Must return sometime to camp.) West Coast Imaging is absolutely the last word in fine art digital printing. Details later; this post is on a different subject.

You may or may not recall that my friend in San Francisco discovered Death Guild and developed a sudden urge to wear shiny black stuff. Since I'm the only Goth he actually knows very well, he would like me to help him shop for Death Guild. His mundane friends gave him a makeover via Nordstrom's this weekend, and he thinks I can do the same thing in a Gothic style. Tonight. And he might not get back to SF from Silicon Valley until after 6:00 pm.

I don't know if it's good or bad that he doesn't have a specific idea of what he wants, or the terminology to describe it. He's apparently forgotten all my warnings that Insta-Goth is a bad idea; you need to develop your look. I suspect we'll end up getting him stompy boots (assuming we find any that fit), a belt, some black jeans or bondage pants, and a band t-shirt or something.

Well, look for us at Death Guild tonight. I don't know what he'll be wearing, but I have a purple A-line bob without a fringe, like Colette in Ratatouille (except purple, not just burgundy).
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