QM 62 - "Your ego is absolutely colossal."

May 06, 2008 15:49

62 - "Your ego is absolutely colossal." - 'It Happened One Night'

Why, thank you.

Seriously, folks, nothing could be further from the truth. If there's been one absolute constant in this crazy end of the universe, it's that everyone and everything I meet has no problem whatsoever reminding me that I am an inferior species, in every way shape and form.

Now, I don't actually agree with any of that, you betcha, but it's not like they're doing much listening. Oh wait, they are-- just only when it turns out that this here Erp boy is right on the money... again. Then, they're "good work, John" and "you were right, John" and "don't almost get us killed next time, John". But are they ever "thank you and your magnificent human brain, John"?


Take the Traltixx incident (PLEASE! Ba-DUM-ching!) for example. I'll skip to the big, exciting, eight-million-orcs-storming-Helm's-Deep part of the story, too, so we can all get where I'm going, okay? Yet again, some bad guy tried to convince us they were a good guy, and being the nice sorts we are, the crew of the good ship Moya believes 'em. Well, not me so much.

Anyhoo, bad stuff starts happening, and Traltixx wants to fly Moya into a star, and nobody can get close to him because of really, really bright lights.

Insert Mogwai joke here.

Who gets volunteered for hero duty? Me. Who has the testicular fortitude to put on the funny sun hat and cape and wield the Qualta blade and take out the bad guy? Me. Who has the intestinal fortitude to not toss his cookies when Big Blue spreads puke on his face? Me. (Eww.) Whose eyes weak better than 20/20, blue and cool enough to face the light?

Yup. Me.

I don't think I'm so great, really. But please, Uncharted Territories, how about a little credit?

I don't get no respect.


quotable muse

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