QM 60 - "Why are your eyes always empty?"

Apr 22, 2008 15:51

60 - "Why are your eyes always empty?"

Empty of what? Consciousness? I got a real good explanation for that one, boy.

It's because people keep HITTING ME!

I swear, I must hold the Guinness World Universe Record for Most Head Trauma Received By A Single Sentient Being. I've been smacked around by Sebaceans, Scarrans, Tavloids Tavleks (whatever), Vorcarian Blood Trackers, Luxans, Nebari and everything up down and in between. I have gotten a beating from just about every race in the Uncharted Territories, from the Acquarans down to the Zenetan Pirates.

Don't know what it is, but I for damn sure would like to know. For some reason, I look a hell of a lot like a punching bag to these people. Maybe it's because they mistake me for a Peacekeeper and they like the idea of handing one of those leather-fetish bullies their kiester, I dunno, but apparently, my head and their fists keep making first, second and third contact.

In fact, come to think of it, most of the folks on Moya started out either hitting me or wanting to hit me, Aeryn being the most obvious example, considering that our first encounter started with me holding out the hand of friendship and ended with her straddling my collarbone, choking the life outta me.

Not that it woulda been all that bad a way to go, if you know what I mean.

You all can say what you want about human eyesight or human digestion or human brain capacity. But one thing is clear, above all. Don't nobody got us beat (so to speak) when it comes to the hardest heads in the universe.


quotable muse

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