Jun 24, 2005 15:01
Someone anonymously posted a complaint that I was supposedly discriminating against a specific religion now simply because I killed them (despite the fact that I've killed many people who did not disclose their religious beliefs to me before death) when they showed up at my door asking for it. So I decided I would take the anonymous person's advice and see how that goes.
I picked up my phone and called up the mormon center and asked them to send a missionary down to my house. They said that they were on short supply in my area because three missionaries had mysteriously disappeared. I assured them that they will automatically revive in three days or so and not to worry about it, and to send me some missionaries from a nearby county in the meantime. I finally talked them into it.
So the doorbell rang, I opened it, and there stood a missionary. As per anonymous's suggestion, exclaimed I, "I worship Satan! I wish you to be my companion in Hell!" in response to which the missionary simply stood there with his mouth agape. After about thirty seconds if inactivity I decided to give him a fatal punch to the gut and directed him back to his transportation vehicle. I used some social engineering to find out that he died at the hospital several hours later.
I hope you're happy, anonymous.