Work Thoughts.

Jul 31, 2007 15:19

1. I will post some thoughts about MCA at a later date. MCA deserve about two entries, since a lot of shit went down this year compare to previous. I think this MCA open my eyes to some things. Some good. Some bad. It was just different from the first two I went to.

2. It seems like the world at Chez Ghetto Community Center stopped while I was gone, because today as I got back, it was hell on foot. I swear people need to get their act together here. My boss is a bit too dependent on me, which bodes well when my three month eval comes up soon.

3. My household world must have stopped too, cuz I got absolutely no rest when I got back. A meeting with a financial planner, laundry, an ER visit (not mine), nieces and nephew tackling me since they missed me so much, people blowing up my cell phone, and grocery shopping ensued after long road trip driving, great sex, and no sleep whatsoever. I haven't even unpacked yet.

random thoughts

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