Random Thoughts On a Friday Night.

Jul 21, 2007 00:10

1. Stank you smelly much to all the peeps wishing me a happy birthday. I t was much appreciated! Soul Claps to All of Yous.... And to the ones who didn't...well I will be accepting donations of $5 or more to the "Help A Fat Sexy Black Man Out With Bills and Other Shit" fund, and I will release youy of your guilt...(hehe)

2. Okay Attention all Ghetto Black People With Bluetooth Phones With The Thingy Attachment On Your Ear: 
STOP! CEASE! DESIST!!!! You don't look important or business like when you are calling your baby mama in Wal-Mart hands free. Please I beg of you, stop it! I am sick and tired and sick and mo' tired of seeing Lavonte in a throwback jersey calling about pampers and what kind of Hawaiian Punch your shorty wants. Then holding up the line just so everyone can see you got bluetooth capability. Nah.... N****A!!!!

3. VBS (Vacation Bible School for all you non-Christians and those not familiar) is some fuinny shit. Especially when you go to a black church. Cuz basically you find ghetto cheers.  (J-E-S-U-S! He that guy I love the best! Go Jesus! Go-Go-Go Jesus!  D-E-V-I-L! Mess with him you'll go to hell! The Devil! Bump Bump the Devil!!! Break it on down!!!), food galore, and most importantly kids who you never see at church mooching along for free food and babysitting time!

4. SIX MO' Days til MCA!!! Oh Yeah. I am going to be a HO. I don't care. Don't hate cuz y'all can't HO like me!!! Cuz I know y'all wanna lay the pipe!!! It is okay to be a HO/SLUT/FREAK, etc. Just be a smart HO/SLUT/FREAK. For you sexy mofos coming to MCA, holla at a fat boy, cuz my lip gloss be cool...my lip gloss will be popping like Chris Brown and Elmo on Sesame Street. ALLLLLREADY! YEEEEEEEEEEEAH! (how ghetto was that? Pretty ghetto huh?!?!)

5. New York Style Cheesecake with Strawberry Topping is LOVE!

random thoughts

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