Mo Ghetto Slang Fo' Yo' Grill!!!

May 05, 2007 13:51

Co-Sign: v.; related to the Webster's definition. However in this case, it means to add on,agree with, and claim someone else's original statement. For instance, a person will say a original thought, then another person will agree and claim that thought as his own. Almost like bandwaggoning.

L.A. Dude: Man, my Warriors whooped the piss out of the Mavs. Mavs suck.
Dallas Dude: Mofo, stop co-signing on the Warriors' victory. I thought you were a Laker fan.
L.A. Dude: I am.
Dallas Dude: *shakes his head in disbelief*

ghettoisms, ghettoness, ghetto word of the day

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