To All So. Cali and L.A. Hoop Fans

May 05, 2007 10:57

Please. Stop. Cease. Desist. Don't claim the Golden State victory as your own. If I hear one more L.A. based person, talk about how "we. Cali folks, whooped y'all", I am gonna scream. I mean  You have two teams. They both suck. One of them could have made the playoffs, if they weren't shitty. Let the Bay Area have their victory without you co-signing on it. Yes Snoop Dogg, I am talking to you. You are slippin. There was a time when you dissed Oakland cats. Now you are chillin at a Golden State game in your Blue and Yellow? You lost points on that one. You don't see me in Silver & Black or Red and White at a Houston or San Antonio game. Ride and die with my ship!!! If you a true Laker Fan (like Jack), go down with your team like a "G"!!!! But then again, that is why y'all don't have a NFL team. They gave one to Cleveland and Houston before you. I mean you had two teams and lost them both, and the NFL still made money, even without you. So Stop co -signing!!!

P.S.: I still got love for ya, So Cali!!!!!

angry black man rant, rant, abm, sports

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