Apr 17, 2006 20:19
Ok, I know that in a recent post I was rather angry towards a friend, but I just want to let you know that I'm not so much angry AT you, but upset with your actions. You were given so many oppertunities, and you could be doing so much more with your life if you could just bite the bullet for a few years and be under someone. I know that life has not turned out how you hoped it would, and I'm sorry for that. But I really think that you're better than your life choices right now *cough cough* work *cough cough* and it pains me to watch you throw your life away like this. I know you probably hate me now for having written those things, but if you ever need help, or want to talk, you know I'm here. You might not like what I have to say, but I will try my best, and I do want to help you, to see you do something with your life. Also, I'm really sorry about the last comment I made. I will not take it back, because I do believe what I said is true, but it is not my place to say, who am I to tell you about that? But either way (it being true or not) how about trying to be a little more respectful of women? like the old you, the one who cared about people, instead of this "new" you.
ps, somebody wants you to remember the oath and law that you and others live by.