Lost Years - Part 8Fandom: DCU
Pairing: Clark/Bruce
Rating: NC-17 (overall); PG-13 (this section)
Word Count: 3,193 (this section)
Prompt: For the World's Finest Gift Exchange, #F46: Batman and Superman are stranded on a lonely planet and are lost for years before returning home. What happens? Universe is writer's choice.
Summary: (this section) The First Thanksgiving.
Disclaimer: DC and WB own it all. I own nothing. Darnit.
Author's Note: Thanks for waiting so patiently for this, folks! This one's a bit lighter than the last, but in a warm fuzzy way. ^_^ Apologies for the religious references, but my Clark muse was insistent, in the interest of tradition. Oh, and the joke had to be made. You'll see what I mean. ^_~
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