[[Rhapsody in Blue: Day 21]]

Jul 06, 2007 23:40

I didn't write anything yesterday because I was getting settled. Yes, settled. That's my excuse, and I'm sticking to it!

Ahem, anyways.

I found Porgy's Dinner after hours of wandering fine! Man, it's so cool! An authentic old timey dinner. Way cool in my books. :D /dork. Rii, in all her awesomeness, did some fast talking, and convinced George to give me a job and housing.

But, after my display of waitressing skills (or lack, thereof), I decided to just help Ira in the kitchen, and only wait tables if it's reaaally busy. And I'm fine with that; its so great to be cooking normal food, compared to what I had to prepare on Montresser! Instead of making George find me a uniform, I just wore my old uniform from the Benbow Inn. It fits right in with this world!

It's so nice to be back on a (semi) Earth like world, instrument voices aside. I mean, people live here! Real people! Not creepy rude alien people. *grins* And normal food. I never thought I'd be happier to see a plate of bacon and scrambled eggs. =D

This morning, I was up early to get some supplies (you get amazing deals when the produce people are half asleep XD Plus, I'm used to waking up early by now), I ran into the tired!guy from the Rhapsody in Blue short. You know, the one who had no job and now works for the construction people? Apparently, he was coming home from the night shift. We bumped into each other, he helped me pick up the stuff, tipped his hat at me (!!! Man, everyone here is so old fashioned and polite mostly. It's great. =D) and walked off.

That gave me something to smile about through the very long day.

I haven't been sleeping well though. :( Back on Earth, I had this thing for staring out the window a lot. If I was in a windowless room, I got kinda freaked out. Mostly because I liked seeing the sky, and mostly for fresh air. Out on Treasure Planet, I was always able to see the stars (and the sky, duh) and there was plenty of fresh air.

But here in Blue York... There’s pollution, and because of the lights, I can't see the stars. It freaks me out, especially because now I won't see for myself if any worlds disappear. The other room (did you sleep in the second closet
minaclueless? Your kitten seem taken to it) George cleaned out for me doesn't have any windows, so I feel kinda claustrophobic and avoid spending much time in it. =D;

*sigh* I miss my bedroom on Earth. I spent a lot of time there, my window open, just reading on my bed... I kinda miss Monstresser too...

Ah, but don't worry! Besides that, I love Blue York. Its great to be able to talk to
riicchan in person, and omg
minaclueless's kittens are so cute! Everyone here is so nice, and I know I'll look forward to staying here for a week. *grin*

Oh! By the way-- Rii went to talent night again. I stayed back at the diner, but I think she did good... I'm not sure; I kinda fell asleep and then woke up a moment ago, remembering that I should write in here.
Oh, it's late *has a terrible sense of time*. Guess I should try to go back to sleep before tomorrow.

Goodnight everyone!

Last thought -- Hey, I wonder if the diner's name has to do with "Georgy Porgy pudding and pie kissed the girls and made them cry" nursery rhyme?

rhapsody in blue

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