Poem-It Isn't In You

Apr 16, 2010 18:57

Some random thing that popped into my head. It is pretty long. It isn't really a poem, but I don't really know what to call it...maybe a lecture...

Created by Ashley on Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Give me the trophy, tell me I have won
But I wasn't competing and this wasn't fun
So make me believe I am the champion
Tell me that I am smart and strong
A warrior, a fighter, you believe me to be
But I was really no better than you
Rather end a project than start one
You'd rather go to the movies, laugh at someone
Because it is easier that way, not to have a care
At least so it seems, but you lived in lies
Couldn't deal with the problems of life
We are just different you and me
But if you think about it, we are similar too
How you say, how can it be true
Think so highly of me, but I could have been like you
Had the chance to give up like you did
But chose not to, didn't let pain rule me
Lace up your boots and go on your way
Because that is what you wanted, what you need
Please come back again one day
Know you have your life to live
Have to move on, just like I do
But don't forget about me
You will be replaced by no one
So you decided to leave, been wanting to go
Choose not to remain in this world
Life got boring, wasn't good for you anymore
But you could have stayed with me
Now you are no more, my heart sore
My wings clipped, a friend gone
Couldn't make it through
But don't know why I am writing this
It isn't true, just stems from fear and sorrow
Worrying this will happen constantly, to everyone
That they would lose someone that couldn't win
But what is winning really, is it getting to the top
And looking back on your life knowing it was fulfilled
Is it just living your life and dealing with the pain
Making the most out of everything
Knowing that someone somewhere is worse off
Will you chose to help them
Did I really lose anyone or are they waiting for me
I'd like to think they are, just sitting somewhere
Hopefully they are happy, but it's impossible to know
Will the pain really end, will it really go away
Stay in this life and it can change
Leave and you lose that control
Throw yourself into an unknown world
Just because your life isn't how you want it to be
Does it guarentee you will truly be free
Who knows if you can still feel when you go on
Many believe you will be joyful
But what if you aren't, what about those who you left behind
Will they suffer forever from your choice to destroy yourself
You have control now, even if you don't feel it
Please don't end your life, please remain alive
Fight the good fight, make your mark, your impact
And know you did it all standing up
Holding up your head high
Proud that the words did not break your spirit
The pain did not kill you inside
If it did, you wouldn't feel the need to die
Because you would feel anything at all
A void would replace your heart and remain
So reincarnate your heart, then if it is gone
Give it life once more, if life really has left it
Fix yourself, become stronger
It really isn't so tough, not as difficult as you say
All you gotta do is try and never give up
Knocked down, well get yourself back up
Because it isn't worth it to give up on everything
Pain can't be allowed to drive you completely insane
You have the reins in your hands, now steer
Take the direction you want to go
One of the ways that's not so very cold
Good things are worth living for
So fight for the things you want
And quit being so afraid of change
Even though change is what you want
Change is what you need
But reject it by not trying, just do nothing then
That'll really make things different, won't it
Expect things to happen magically, like a children's story
Well that isn't how the world works, so you know
You gotta fight for what you want
Or let it constantly slip away
Hardships befall everyone
So stand up, you're not the only one who is hurt
See the pain of others, deal with the pain within
If you need help, take it, but try to help yourself too
Because what if one day there is nobody to help you
How will you survive relying on yourself
When so often you needed someone else
Some scars will remain, but they are battle marks
The results of your efforts, but not shame
For you have continued on and conquerered
Believe in you, do something to make a difference
You're here for a reason, or multiple ones
Deal with this, to get to something better
For the end will be worth it, the in between counts
The fight is what's important, the time spent
Nobody can take form you your courage or your strife
Why take away what anyone could take from you
Why end your life, what would it accomplish really
Just another damaged heart that wasn't strong enough
A another wounded one who couldn't struggle
More suicides, more unnecassary lives cost
The happiness you wanted was right there
But you lost it before it was gained
That is the shame
World benefits from every creature
Everyone can make a difference
So don't let the world shove you around
Stand your ground, remain firm
Sometimes it is better to stand alone
With others in your hearts
Fight with everything you have
If not for yourself, then for those who need you
For those who care
Don't be a quitter, like I wanted to be
I was weak, but evolved from that state
Now I am better, still not where I want to be
But that I can improve, I have that chance
Don't like the things you've done
Well make your future a better place
Dwell not on what can't be fixed
Learn from it and don't put yourself down anymore
I use to do that too and sometimes still I do
But it is so simple to blame yourself for everything
Are you really that powerful, can you destroy the world
Are you responsible for every action that was done
What about all the others who believe they are the cause too
The bigger picture you can not let see
So don't give up on yourself
Blinded to see, as we all are, the overall process
The things that really matter
So be glad of what you got and if you want more
Than just work on being better
Life isn't about the storms but dealing with the wheather
Whether it is hot or cold, rainy or with clouds
Just keep moving and soon all of this will fall behind
And you will experience more
Go beyond what you know and just see more
A day will come where you will be greatful to be alive
Life is a gift, everyday you remain is a new opportunity
To make the world nicer, bring more wisdom to
Don't give up, it just isn't in you

live, stay, poem, pain, friend, compete, lies, emotion, problems, givein, joy, won, strong, leave, firendship, future, destroyed, weak, sorrow, fight, life, smart, gone, gaveup, suicide, hope, heart, stress, poetry, words, inspiration, dontgiveup

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