Just Some Things I Wanted To Say

Mar 27, 2010 18:01

My mood keeps changing. Right now, I am many things at once. I am sad, mad, frustrated, anxious, bored, ect...then one mood becomes the prominent one and that is the one I try to pick on the little pull down tab. I wish we could post multiple moods at once. Then again, why does it matter? Why does anything matter? And very few people really care what mood you are in anyway.

On a positive note, I have more poetry from my quizilla account posted on here. I am not going to post all of it and when I start posting from deviantart, there may be some repeats in the poetry, because I posted some of it on both sites.

I really want to hang out with my friends. I am lonely and I haven't seen any of them in awhile. It is not like I hang out with many of them in the first place.

I might be working soon. I don't know when exactly, but I already had the interview and the drug test.

I want to do something. I feel so trapped. But then again, I feel that often. I don't know if I will post anymore poems today. It gets kind of overwhelming to pick which ones to post. I guess it is overwhelming because I am stressed out. I am pretty much overwhelmed about everything right now.

lonely, bored, boredom, anxious, stressed, friendship, overwhelming, friends, mood, sad, trapped, mad, job, stress, frustrated, poetry

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