Aug 01, 2007 20:33
ITEM! my 5.00pm teabag split today so i did a "reading" - the leaves stuck to the the bottom of the cup which indicates misfortune - & they looked like a weeping eye which means i should avoid temptation(!) & there will be difficulties to overcome - d'oh!
ITEM! a pint of stella is exactly one pound cheaper in worcester pubs than it is in putney - some might say it’s inappropriate to be drinking “wifebeater” at a wedding, mind…
the bride & groom looked very happy - & we only got fairly wet & not v.wet ourselves - tho flood damage was much in evidence
w.o.agwu "fun" fact: a nine year old feral child from the falkland islands gorrectly guessed my age as 57! - as a "reward" i'm taking her on the london eye - i might get out of it tho as she thinks my name is david
ITEM! never again will I moan abt radio times variant govers after the drooling, gurning jackanapes on next weeks edition - time to get out the magic markers, tippex, scissors & glue & make yr own variant gover for that ‘un
ITEM! bb: bye bye chanelle - i thort she was a goob housemate - some v.funny turns in the diary room abt hair straighteners & getting the pointy end of the carrot - but her fun side seemed to be diminished by her relationship with ziggy - she already seemed much more her "old self" in her little brother interview with dermot - so it probly was time for her to go
dunno what to think about the new hsemates & halfway hsemates yet - david & kara louise wld seem the easiest to get along with- which is i guess why they've been chosen - jonty = a nightmare imo - despite the high goncept appeal of trunkety monkety
bye bye charley & goob riddance you horror
ITEM! yesterday’s quote of the day: “i’m the black princess diana - she was misunderstood & couldn’t get a date either” - makosi from big brother 6 talking to andrew williams in the metro
ITEM! i'm off to watch episode 3 of heroes now...
elvis costello,
trunkety monkety,
big brother,
radio times,
fortune telling