ooc: record of logs.

Jun 29, 2010 09:45

Because I hate myself enough to start this now.

o 001 - Seems I've landed myself in a downright Wonderland.
Jack - Breathe, sport. And please, not into the radio.
Other-Father - I find a dressing gown comfy- but I don't always wear this, not in the winter.
o Log 001 - "I thought you said you never spliced..." "...Not of my own volition."
Tamaki - The goal is to make every woman happy!
o Log 002 - "Had a little, ah... proposition for you."
o 002 - Event: It's Such A Strange Game - "...It's just a suit, right? You're just wearing the suit?"

o 003 - Sometimes it's like the damn walls're movin' on their own.
Rogue - Makes things a mite easier when ya' can fly around.
Jim - For people with with amazing powers they spend a lot of time doing strange things.
Jack - I, uh, told a girl I loved her, but she turned out to be a lot younger than she looked. And I woke up with a strange woman in my bed.
o Log 003 - We need t'make sure we get you signed up proper, after all.
o 006 - Event: Even impossible things aren't really impossible, you know. - This most certainly is not what I meant when I said I wanted t'fly.
Jack - I am so damn glad I'm entertainin' you, son.
Allen - It's not a bad colour, there's nothing wrong with green.
Jack - That's nice and all, son, but aren't you worried you'll end up springin' yourself across the damn world, at that rate?

o 005 - These here security bots are my property.
Jim - This might be considered prying but what kind of people have you met so far in the mansion, Sinclair?
Rogue - Just lookin' out for ya', sug'.
Cindy - Miss Lamb said you were a nuisance, did you do something bad?
Jack - Things are all right, I guess. Met some new people.
o 006 - Event: Why don't you just go back and fix your troubles before they start? - So, let's see it, then. Let's see the rest'a you.
Cindy - There ain't no "Mister Bubbles" here, miss. 'Fraid you have the wrong door.
Angel - Adults are not to be trusted.
Jack - Would you kindly come down t'my room?
o Log 004 - "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't crack your skull. Then give me a good reason why I should listen to any of your reasons."
Jack - Would anyone like a puppy? There are eight.
o 007 - Ten years is a lot to lose... but it's also a lot to gain.
Cindy - You're speaking silly, Mister Bubbles.
Elaine - I've got enough people around here decidin' I'm the Devil's right hand without you jumpin' on the bandwagon.
o 008 - Unless all you out there have been missin' my voice.
Gokudera - I used t'be in the business of creatin' these types'a medicine that'd help change a fella's body.
Cindy - Did I do something bad, Mister Bubbles?
Jack - There. See if that doesn't get your head back on straight.
Lamb - No name? No face? Why, you're hardly anybody at all then, are you?
Jack - The ocean does strange things t'you.
o 009 - I'm beginnin' t'think this place isn't as fantastic as I thought it was.
Haru - It sucks worse when you still want to stay.
Gokudera - What's so bad about her?
Jack - What if Fontaine--
Kanami - Look, Sinclair-san!
Benny - Listen, did ya ever meet a guy down there name of Meltzer? Mark Meltzer?
Allen - That hardly seems fair, that you have to hide away because of her.
Ritsuka - She seems like an idiot. How did she kill you? What does she do?
Helena - She didn't seem so bad to me.
o 010 - Not sure what'll do, or why it's just this color, but...
Lamb - This is reckless, Sinclair. Even for you.
Stellar - Medicine is good... right?
Jim - I feel like I'm going to vomit and I hate you more than bad beer. Is this what is suppose to happen?!
Gokudera - Why the fuck is it glowing?!
Jack - I talked to Dr. Lamb.
Iceland - Tell me about it.
Allen - There's a gene for that?
Sora - Why does this feel familiar...
Marcus - Why are you making more?!
Lamb - May I ask you a question, Mister Sinclair?
Cohen - Why haven't we spoken before, loyal ram?
o 011 - He looks more tired than usual, the normal bags under his eyes quite defined, and his entire demeanor seems defeated.
Jack - You said I was a friend of yours.
Lamb - The weather is beautiful outside and sadly nobody Lamb wanted to see today is home.
Elaine - ...I just thought you should know your camera thing was recording.
Germany - Is that a Pomeranian?
Jack - "Easy for you to say. You're not the one they...worshiped for being...brainwashed."
Cohen - So kind of you.
o 012 - Event: The sun is scared. - The screaming, the growing paranoia, the inability to leave... it's just like Rapture again.
Jack - There's no way out. I've checked.
Allen - Ah... Sorry for dropping by so unexpectedly, then.
Lamb - Everyone here is dying alone, Sinclair!

o 013 - I've got Cindy here. Someone's got t'come get her.
Elaine - Thanks, for taking care of her during the event.
Jack - It's not like the Vita-Chamber. At all.
Cindy - It's all better now.
Delta - I had to kill you? Sinclair, you know I wouldn't do that. Why would I?
o 014 - I would've gone but I'm not a ball kind've guy.
Gokudera - ...I'll try one.
Elaine - I'm not looking for any grandeur, thanks.
Oswald - I'm not your guinea pig, I was only curious.
Allen - Are those Plasmid things really safe?
Jack - So what happens to the people who test the plasmids before you figure it out?
Iceland - That's it? No other side effects?
Bhamba - ... What in God's name are you takin', sport?
o 015 - It's time for another heart-warming constitutional with our dear Mr. Sinclair.
Bhamba - Good God, that is the most boring show I've ever seen.
Event: ...Perhaps I'd get sick of it though. - Jack
Bhamba - What is this, some sort of sex partner of the year speech?
Tim - Fish eggs and .. seashells?
Lamb - Is this your idea of a joke, Sinclair?
Delta - Don't worry. Whoever did it, we'll find them.
Jack - You look scared.
Benny - I just figured she had an active imagination.
Oswald - Has no one told you to cover your mirrors?
Ryoko - I take it you didn't breathe underwater as well?
Eleanor - I just wanted to get away from her...
Gil - But I thought that ADAM was exclusive only to Rapture.
Iceland - I know how, but the information doesn't come for free.
Kurt - What is that? ...Greek?
Cindy - Is that ADAM on your mirror, Mister Bubbles?

Lamb - What an excellent selling point that must make.
o 019 - Event: Mirror Week - When the video comes on, it shows a suddenly timid Sinclair cleaning up the remnants of the bloody sheets.
m!Diogenes - If you require assistance, don't hesitate...
Jack - You're a good guy, Gus.
o mirrorpost: 001 - Now, how the hell am I supposed t'get back?
m!Cohen - He's getting hurt over there?
Haru - You had better be the real one.
m!Coraline - The Queen's a very good mother. She'll love you.
Allen - ...People come back from the dead here, don't they?
Lamb - I never claimed that I was not aware of anything that happened.
m!Bhamba - The very same, at your service.
m!Jack - Don't give me a goddamn reason.
m!Lamb - ...you have this terrible wound. There.
m!Cohen - I - hold on, Mr. Sinclair, you'll be all right.
m!Lamb - Oh, God.
Jack - a city in the sea full of blood - is it real?
Rogue - Jack said you were dead.
o 020 - I need t'know if you're Spliced with Hypnotize.
Bhamba - Looks like somebody finally decided to make himself available.
Ivanova - You're being evasive, this makes discussion difficult.
Rei - There is a lot of blood in your home?
Jack - I'm sorry I froze you.
Delta - No harm done in interrogating her about that.
o Log 008 - "Gave her somethin' t'think about," he sighs.

Alex - Somethin' wrong, son?
Rei - It is the blood of Lilith from which humans originally evolved.
Rogue - Define 'unpleasant'?
Bhamba - I might have to take you up on that offer after all, let you send me some of those Plasmids.
Kuukaku - Somethin' on your mind, miss?
o Log 009 - On the other hand, she'd have a goddamn slug in her stomach.
Jack - I started about twenty minutes ago.
o Log 010 - Alex activates Hypnotize, and a moment later, the poisonous-green ball is a slight weight against his fingers.
o Log 011 - I didn't know it was watching. He might have had something useful.
Alex - Nightynight.
Lamb - The key to unlock the chains that still bind you to the Rapture Family.
o 021 - And boy, you'd better believe he's pale. Deathly pale, sickly pale.
Jack - Ready for what? Death? Torture?
Allen - ...Mr Sinclair, you look awful. No offense.
Lamb - How are you holding up, Mister Sinclair?

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