Hp : 79 / 90
Speed = 6/10
Special = 9/10
Attack = 1/10
Defense = 6/10
Weakness to= animals, females, kindness
Resistant to = cold, Hobson's choices, animal attacks
Special skills = meditation, sharing, helping, a little of the following:
Qi Dao,
Lama (very TL;DR, trust me. Tibetan martial arts. He's no expert, he can just bouce really high essentially)
Equipped :
Prayer beads = calm demeanor +1
curly toed boots = atk +1 martial arts bouncing skill +3
butter tea = radius +3 resistance to climate +4
Buddhist sutras = enlightenment +4
Bio :
Canon :
He shows up once apparently. I have no idea and would like to see the page for myself please. I think he was with China during his appearance. I know nothing of canon Tibet, so I just made a bunch of stuff up and pulled from real life.
Dressing Room:
Tibet is a little bald monk child who happens to be nearsighted . He is abnormally small for his age which is in the 9-11 year old area. The kid is kind hearted, a bit stuck in the past and also a little on the simple side. He can talk to animals, plants and nature is his best friend. Sometimes the kid knows more than he lets on, but these days are few and far between. He has a very high spiritual sensitivity and Rome is allergic to him and feels compelled to take care of people to the best of his abilities. .
How Tibet Sees Things
Assumes this man is kind and very close to
nature due to his awareness of the existence
of gnomes. (Norway mistook Tibet for a welcoming gnome)
animals: Tibet loves all animals and hasn't been
mauled even once in his life. Animals like
(or patiently put up with him) because he can
understand them. Kiyakyak his yak, believes
she is his mum and protects him with all the
powers of a psychotic raging mother in law.
(Tibet is oblivious to his yak's madness)
ban_set_turkiye: Saved this man's life the
other day. Believes Mr. Adnan is
Egypt's best friend. Tibet really likes the
guy and is trying to teach him to be more affectionate
towards Hassan ( with hand holding lessons, proper methods of thanks etc. )
basnyn: Favorite person in the entire world.
Believes he can do no wrong; even if he wanted to.
He is Tibet's human parent figure, and the child puts this man's well being
before his own. If the Tibet were ever to grow up and develop a crush
on any male; Egypt would be at the top of this list.
This man is the person responsible for keeping Tibet from
having aneurysms all over the place. He is also Mr. Adnan's best friend.
belgiqueroyaume: She had the child clean up her room full
of broken glass, bear bottles and even clean vomit off her clothes.
She also keeps hitting him with her gun. Before meeting her,
Tibet wasn't actually afraid of girls, he now is.
She is the most troublesome and deceitful
woman he has ever met. He believes she drowned her
infant sister without any feelings of remorse.
chairman_yao: This man is terrifying and crueland
doesn't actually give Tibet status as a human.
It is his fault that the child even ended up at HQ, since
Tibet was trying to escape him in the Himalayas.
Wants nothing to do with him, and his mere name
sends the child running to hide.
This guy is the cause of the kid's nervousness / nightmares / whatever other social defects he has.
He is also the only person Tibet has any history with.
The kid wants to free his Pandas from their evil dictator.
colonialdays: Finds him awesome because they are
both boys around the same age. Tibet and mini!Al got together to try to
figure out how babies are gained; it was hilarious. When Al gets a little older,
the monk will try to teach him about Buddhism.
Has acknowledged that Al is probably the braver of the two.
danmarks_styrke: Is deeply thankful to the man for the
opportunity to help him rebuild his ship.
Also thinks he has very cool hair.
If Tibet had hair he would want to look like this guy.
discoverhk: Really likes this older boy, but something seems wrong
with him and it worries Tibet. Wants to take care of HK
but keeps finding his abilities inadequate.
One of HK's birds also died because of him, and for this,
Tibet is deeply grief stricken.
es_ist_todernst: Finds this man overwhelming and a
bit frightening to be honest, though that doesn't stop
Tibet from trying to make him happy (by babbling nonsense ).
Believes he is secretly a nice person on the inside because he
does own a cow teddy bear. Also thinks Germany is Gil's father.
hellabrows: Sealand told Tibet that Arthur was
responsible for the loss of his name, mountains and yak herd.
The man himself intimidated our child with all his yelling.
With him now in a coma, he has been forgiven and Tibet
prays everynight by his bedside at the hospital.
ihasachezburger: Thinks he is a terrific and very cool person.
Looks up to Al as a role model and appreciates the older boy's
kindness towards HK. Believes he is HK's distant cousin.
Al is the sort of person Tibet wants to grow up to be; just more
vegetarian and more environmentaly aware.
its_lovinoo: Still trying to get to know him better to be his friend.
Thinks Lovino hates him, because Tibet chased away his father.
Assumes he will never be forgiven, but working
hard to redeem himself none the less.
Ivan Braginsky: Likes this man and wants to be his friend because
they both understands each other's loneliness.
The child finds him kind and trustworthy.
Other Ivan is responsible for much of the
child's guilt about the Roma affair, and he complicated
where the child's loyalties lay.
Tibet wants to take care of him none the less.
Karpusi: Likes this man very much because he
understands the importance of prayer and even
allowed the kid pray with him after Arthur's accident.
This helped the child stay grounded during the tragedy.
Greece provided the most emotional support after the accident.
Kiku_san: Finds him very attractive and nice.
Hasn't really talked to him enough.
Does not know that Kiku and Herakles are his 'parents'.
kimchi_jjigae: Thinks this boy is incredibly brave for standing up against China
and also likes his Tiger.
Dae-Han taught him that eggs are full of dough
when they don't have baby birds in them.
lietuvos: Hasn't actually talked to this man, but
saw him taking care of Arthur in hospital, so he
likes the guy because he appears to be a caring person.
lilliech: A pretty girl, therefore he won't approach
her unless he feels she is in need of help.
magyar_himnusz:: This man has left Tibet in charge of his plants and
he can also understand the language of flowers.
Tibet has been searching for someone who could do
this since he's come to HQ. The child also thinks he smells nice.
He is a very genuine person in Tibet's eyes and would make the best monk.
mynameiscanada: That nice guy that comes with the Kumajirou.
Tibet really likes the bear and by extension, his blond friend too.
Believes that the animal and Matt are related as Uncle and nephew.
naruwanformosa: Thinks she is a beautiful girl and he approves of the
conservative way she dresses.
This is the sort of girl he would like to fall in love with
(if he ever got the nerve to actually talk to her).
She is most likely to capture his affections.
olympicaphdr: Beibei, one of the Fuwa was the first girl to
tell him she loved him.
Tibet became enamored with the creepy looking fish spirit (love is blind!)
and believed he made her pregnant (very false!)
The disappearance of the Fuwa depresses him a little as he really liked them.
You are all lucky Tibet is essentially incapable of angsting,
because he really felt bad about their departure.
opinion_neutre: These two haven't interacted very much,
but Tibet disapproves of all the weapons he carries around,
because they promote a violent outlook.
Tibet thinks he might secretly be a woman and doesn't understand
why he would want to pretend otherwise.
The child respects this decision and won't tell anybody.
Think's France is Vash's father.
pan_tulips: This is the perfect woman to the child's mind.
She is pretty, kind, patient and someone he wouldn't mind having as a mother.
She impresses him completely, but because of her gender,
he is still terribly shy around her.
He also picks the flowers from her garden unknowingly.
poniesnpansies: This fellow has some seriously cool bandages.
Poland was the person who cleaned the wounds
Tibet got from falling off his mountain.
They like, seriously bonded y'know.
prussiasgilbert: Very very frightened of this man and can't understand
the animosity that Gilbert harbors towards him.
Gilbert's current MIA status is one of those situations that the child is oddly knowledable in.
Tibet needs to talk to the guy, but is trying to cope with the idea of
approaching such a dangerous man.
raivis_galante: Thinks this boy is interesting and could be in need of protection as well
as some meditation lessons.
He's lucky Tibet can provide both
in that pushy helpful asian way of his.
red_underthebed: Believes this man to be a Bodhisattva
and worships him for that reason.
Tibet will do anything he is asked and is currently working
on a job given by him.
Seriously though, ACTUAL WORSHIP.
Ivan has a little shrine in Tibet's room dedicated to himself,
and everyday the kid prays to it.
roma_jiji: [oh gawd!] Hasn't actually met the being, but would probably be super conflicted about him.
Rome's archaic idea that violence is the answer to everything, would
be disgusting to the child if he knew.
Other Ivan has convinced Tibet that the man is really a kind soul though.
This could be true as the man obviusly values family values.
Tibet doesn't know that the ghost is interested in both cuddling him to
death and putting a permanent stop to the his prayers.
sealand2021: Met this child on his first day at HQ and thinks he is his heaven sent friend.
Tibet worries what the boy will think when he finds out about Arthur's coma
and wants to provide as much emotional support as he can.
soyuz_rossii: Mistook her for a large rabbit on the doge ball field and finds
her very pretty from far away. Wishes that our current world
was safer for women, so she wouldn't have to carry a knife around.
He also believes she is Roderick's wife.
sum_lejon: Tibet has to keep reminding himself not to judge books by their cover,
because honestly, this man looks way intimidating.
Tibet is trying to get closer to the guy because he really hasn't done anything actually evil yet,
and therefore the child's fears are unjustified
and prejudice is wrong.
Tibet also has a hard time communicating with him,
and believes it is his own fault due to his limited English skills.
thesex_machine: This man gave the kid the most complements he had ever received in his entire life
in the span of about 3 minutes.
Tibet has a deep affection for him and trusts him completely.
France also read Tibet some fairy tales with
further cemented the aforementioned trust and affection.
tinotheterrible: These two haven't talked much,
but Tino seems to be a harmless man who can knit,
appreciates yak wool and also hs the cutest puppy ever.
Tibet has a good impression from this guy due to his love for HanaTamago.
tomateoptimista: Trying to get past the trauma that Spain keeps
invoking when he talks about roasting pigs or bull fights.
Antonio is forgiven though, because he has hired Tibet as a farmhand,
thus allowing him to hang out with animals and vegetables.
This guy will probably be responsible for Tibet choosing a new carreer path.
von_habsburg: Thinks this man is most sophisticated of the bunch,
and therefore the smartest person at HQ while
also being the richest and most polite.
Assumes Roderich is Gil's brother because they are both awfully close.
whiteflagpowa: Not sure if they have talked together yet,
but assumes the Feliciano now hates him because Tibet
chased away his father.
Again, trying to redeem himself to the guy.
Tibet reminds me of the Little Prince / Petit Prince. Can I even say that?
But ok guys, this is where I need your help! How am I doing? Does my rping make any sense? Can you all understand me? Should I tone anything down? Am I doing alright in character, or am I just being cutesy and annoying? Is my typing legible/ English skills alright? Do I sound repetitive and am in need of thesauri? Can you guys even decipher my ooc comments? Is Tibet causing too much drama, or should I be free to run around and cause as much havoc as I like? Do I type too much?
- Should Tibet grow up temporally/permanently ? Would you even want to interact with an older Tibet or is would it be a terrible Opium induced nightmare?
- Should Tibet get involved in more srs bsns? Since the kid is pretty naive, is it a better idea to keep him that way and out of local dramas? Or is it fine to involve him in a serious situation?
- Ask Tibet any question and he will respond in character... or you could just
- Dare him to do something which he will try to pull off in sometime in the DR's future
That took me a really long time... if i've made a mistake somewhere I will fix it. Thanks