Oct 11, 2007 21:52
Little Grace had her reproductive organs removed today.
I don't know what she's going through right now. For the first couple of hours after she got home she just stumbled around, growling and hissing at everything. She's walking better now, but she's still growling and hissing at everything, particularly us and anything that moves.
She's never been like this before. Yeah, she used to attack everything and leave scratch marks all over us if we'd play with her, but now she's actually hostile. I feel sorry for her. I don't know what's she's going through. I'm not sure that the sedative did anything but make it such that she couldn't move properly. I think she's in pain.
She doesn't understand, and there's nothing that we can do to help.
I don't know why I'm posting this. I doubt that anyone can help her, and giving me sympathy is going to help any either. I guess it shows that I can feel compassion for another living being.
Edit: The Ankle-biter is doing better now. She greeting me when I opened the door to my bedroom this morning, and actually responded positively to being stroked, which she's never done before.