Oct 08, 2006 11:50
I've been at my job a week. It's a contract that will probably last 3 months. If they decide to hire me after that, I'll update.
So far they just keep making me make databases. I'm getting really sick of it, so I don't know if I'll stay or start my job search over again when I finish with this contract. If they offer me the option that is. On the plus side, since its a three month contract, I will certainly keep toughing it out even with the commute from hell. I only committed for 3 months, and if I don't like it I don't have to worry about leaving. And by the end of my stint on this job, I will have made enough money to fuel a job search for another year plus gained another entry on my resume. I'm really excited about my pay scale. Compared to big professional jobs, its not spectacular, but its double what I've made at any other combination of jobs.
There's starting to be some perks too. I got to play Sudoku as a work activity. I had to write instructions for an electronic Sudoku board. Still haven't gotten to the instruction writing part, but I've poked the board to find out what the controls do.